• Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone! One of the best parts of the day was when Madison surprised me with these scrumptious homemade waffles in bed. So good, y’all.  


  • While running one evening in Central Park, a flying insect collided with the back of my throat. Terrifying. 


  • Sometimes, while driving in Montana, I put my blinker on because I feel that it's neglected with the number of people or lack thereof that live around me.


  • One of the best buttons on a TV remote is "mute." 


  • I knew the top 40 music at Starbucks was too loud when I could still hear it while wearing my headphones. Why is this a core customer experience element? And why is the "grande" size basically the same size as "tall"?


  • "I've been through some terrible things in my life, and some of them actually happened." - Mark Twain


  • On the way to Singapore, I flew through the Tokyo Narita airport. Unexpectedly quiet, unassuming, and peacefully laid out. While there, I tried a version of Udon noodles at a “fast-food” cafe. I felt so wasteful when after three of four bites, I threw it away. The lady said it was vegetarian, but cooked in fish water. I couldn't get that out of my head.


  • I could almost watch summer lightning storms at home all night, except I might experience what I would consider to be a seizure. 


  • The main thing I observed that the Salt Lake City airport has that the San Francisco airport didn’t have? Families.


  • Whose idea was it at Delta to put out Zone lines? I felt like I'm part of a collective cattle heard, being taken to the slaughter. 


  • "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx


  • Gmail and Instagram separately informed me that someone from Russia tried to hack into my accounts. Hmmmm.


  • I dreamed that Madison and I went and saw the world's youngest glacier. We watched penguins and swam with narwhals. It was cold.


  • While recently writing a 30-page paper, I continuously wrote that my plan would take place in 2016.  


  • “God's primary concern is not to pull you out of the valley, but rather to improve you while you are in the valley.” – sermon, Washington DC


  • Ever since coming back to the US from my year in Poland, I have preferred room-temp water and drinks—no ice. Well, that lasted only until my time in NYC…in July.  


  • Take a break, go outside and look up.


  • One particular day in NYC, I didn't have time to exercise, so I ran to and from the grocery store. On the way back, I held an onion, carrot, and a can of green beans, dodging swaths of people and strategically running throughout the streets. I’m sure I looked like I had robbed the store.


  • I am always a twinge sad when my Chipotle bowl suddenly disappears. 


  • My Georgetown cohort informally voted me as the person with the best handwriting. My third-grade teacher would be so proud.